Saturday, February 3, 2018

Lights off - Lights on... letting go with love

02.03.18 - Happy South Node/Ketu conjunct the Sun ...

'White Rabbit' (White Marlin & Spearfish) by Jason Mathias


Feb.03 – Mercury sextile Mars (04:58 of Aquarius/Sagittarius)  (Feb.04 in AU)

There is a potential now to find the courage to speak your mind and say what needs to be said, if you focus consciously on doing so. In fact, your ideas and words may come so quickly and easily that it's hard to stop them from tumbling out of your mouth before you've had a chance to evaluate the best way to say them. Communication is probably easiest and most effective when it's direct, concise and quick, although it might also be a bit blunt or pointed. If you need to confront someone about a difficult situation, this transit can provide courage and clear words to help you do that – although perhaps a bit too forceful when a more delicate, sensitive touch is called for. It is a time when you might find the nerve to take risks, or to defend yourself if the need arises (especially verbally). This is a good transit for creative problem solving and trying on decisions to see if they fit.

What a wonderful gift we receive on this day to release and clear all that has served us well  (perhaps uncomfortably so), we celebrate the  conclusion, the soul contract, the journey we have traveled together and bow graciously to this moment when it is time to part ways. Grateful that we have now opened more deeply into ourselves for us to receive and be clearly guided by who we truly are, to the highest good of all - and so it is...

Great leaps to liberation- the South Node / Ketu (Vedic Astrology) the cosmic day of 'cleaning house', if you are like me you may have the tendency to creating 'clearing 'clutter - the collection that is intended to be set out in the garage sale... because of course you need to still gain some value from those items other than the value of the time spent with it initially. This is the, 'fuck it' who has time for the garage sale just send it out the trash or donate it already moment for karmic baggage. The bright light of the super moon goes deeper into the recesses of our past(s) and allows us to really dig deep, find those fur balls behind the furnace. Celebrate! you are making room in the garage for that new car!!! We are going places and refining to take care of what truly has value. I  recall the teasing from a  past work mate when I purchased my first new car; first time momma 'push gift' to myself, that I was parking the $30K car outside the garage because the parking space was occupied by a couple hundred bucks of nostalgia.

Todays' clearing energy is working swiftly - thus the post of the Marlin above, this image came to me in conclusion of 'vision time' last night... what a great find of the painting aptly named the 'White Rabbit' by the artist Jason Mathias. The Marlin travels the great depths of the oceans of our emotions and swiftly cuts away that which no longer serves us.

The vision introduces the similar invitation as the 'White Rabbit' offers to Alice... a tunnel , a train tunnel. The travel into the dark unknown; the unconscious, but a route that we have built to access this recess. While being uneasy, have confidence that a 'track' has been set to guide us. I always am comforted when I receive the symbolism of the passenger train - as a reminder, that though I may worry of the journey (at times when it feels lengthy) it will arrive safely to its destination. Enjoy the journey, relax, refresh, renew. 

This imagery also draws attention that some of what falls away from us is not necessarily is what is found within. The fears, the coping skills that did not really work but simply allowed a moment to manage thru until we had opportunity to find what truly serves us. Building resilience to 'let go' of the life buoy that has served us thru being capsized; but lets face it, we all want to get aboard that great ship that allows us to dry off, be nuttured and set course to our destination. Those things that block us to receive the bounty of  our 'ananda', our joy. The guilt, the shame, the 'obligation'. The cultural founding we are all outgrowing.

The vision than lead to a the deer wearing a crown - Be gentle with yourself, forgive.

After this being reminded by that great spirit friend; the snail, 'whatever the speed of the progress... it is progress. Use your time wisely, there is time for everything.'

Enjoy, celebrate your progress - great and small!
Today, another super snowy day in central Alberta, Canada - I 'do my Saturn' (in Cancer, nurturing, sharing a comforting meal with friends and family) and make those fun snail cookies with my oldest son. Allow yourself a little booyah! however or whatever shows up to be 'removed' for you today and the weeks leading to the partial solar eclipse mid February.

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